
Keyword: Topografie


Topografie appears in

Identifier Title Date Level of description Other information
ASLA gm_10001 Pantographische Vergrösserung Jun 1945 Item: Plan digitized
ASLA gm_10002 Strasse nach Bebauungsplanentwurf 18th Feb 1944 Item: Plan digitized
ASLA gm_10003 Liegendschaften in Feldmeilen no date Item: Plan digitized
ASLA gm_10027 Baumschule Heulibeng no date Item: Plan digitized
ASLA gm_10037 Situationsplan Feld-Meilen Oct 1897 Item: Plan digitized
ASLA gm_10038 Uebersichtsplan der Ortschaft Feldmeilen Jul 1896 Item: Plan digitized
ASLA gm_10049 Liegenschaften Feldmeilen 19th Aug 1939 Item: Plan digitized
ASLA gm_10050 no date Item: Plan digitized
ASLA gm_10051 Terrain zur Sommerau no date Item: Plan digitized
ASLA gm_10059 no date Item: Plan digitized
ASLA gm_10060 18th Feb 1944 Item: Plan digitized
ASLA gm_10065 no date Item: Plan digitized
ASLA gm_10068 no date Item: Plan digitized
ASLA gm_10090 no date Item: Plan digitized
ASLA gm_10092 Terrain Gebrüder Mertens 29th Nov 1947 Item: Plan digitized
1 to 15 from 15 Entries